Sunday, 24 September 2017

Death Guard (Old School before New School)

Blood Bowl Players and 'The Big Fella' and Count Vladikiller 3rd

Whilst the Blog has taken a rest the brushes haven't! 

Army on display

I've had a nice break from the blog for a while and feel inspired to show you all my efforts for 'Army's on parade' 

In an old school Imperial Guard format, sadly I was meant to play a big game against Tyranids recently only to be hit with illness. Fingers crossed for BOYL 18! 

The Tallarn and Steel Legion battle group took around 24 months to complete, 5000 points ish old money! 

Saturday, 4 March 2017

Justin's first Mini

Justin has just started painting and this is his first ever mini! Well done mate you should be proud! 

Blood Bowl Ork's

With the new release of BB (the best GW game ever) here are the Orkland Marauders!